Turkey Tassel Garland
Prognosis: Fair
Used this youtube tutorial on tassel garland, stick-on googley eyes and orange and red felt. It’s a little messy looking, but my 2 year old loves the turkeys. The video recommends using a crochet hook which I managed without. I just made sure I tied the first tassel knots with yarn long enough to easily tuck in. The video also suggested just stringing the tassels on a piece of yarn or ribbon, but this made it hard to orient the faces since I had already glued them on before stringing. To make the faces, I simply made enough larger orange triangles for the beaks and very small red triangles for the wattles. I placed the google eyes on first, then used clear craft glue to attach the beaks and wattles.
Treatment Plan: Recommend glueing on faces after stringing tassels onto garland to get the orientation you are wanting. Spend some extra time ‘grooming’ your tassels. Also I think it would look fancier to hang tassels on ribbon instead of yarn.