Macrame Tree Ornaments and Garland
Prognosis: Good.
The first one of these took me about 20 minutes to make, but after doing a couple I cut that time in half. Make one as ornament or make several to string together for a garland.
Materials: Macrame cord, wood stars (I got mine at Michaels), fabric stiffener (hairspray will also do)
Tools: Ruler or tape measure, comb, scissors, hot glue gun (regular craft glue would probably work, too).

Instructions for 1 Tree:
- Cut one 14 inch piece of macrame cord for the trunk and 7 pairs of 10 inch cord for the branches.
- Fold the 14 inch piece in half. Knot the 10 inch cords from left to right as shown, alternating sides.

3. Once you’ve tied 7 knots onto the tree trunk, comb out the cord. Cut into a tree shape. This part doesn’t have to be perfect. You will trim the tree after spraying it with fabric stiffener or hairspray.

4. Spray with fabric stiffener or hairspray. Let dry and trim tree as desired.

5. Glue star onto top.

6. Hang as an ornament or keep going and make a garland.
Treatment Plan: I just happened to have white macrame cord left over from making other projects so that’s what I used. These would look nice made with green cord or really any colors that match your decor.
The original instructions I found for these called for stringing a bead at the top, but I couldn’t find one the appropriate size that the cord would fit through.